LemmingsII - The Tribes Classic Tribe The Classic exit is a doorway with flaming torches outside. ``Do You Remember?'' Loss of Lemmings: Zero Bash to break out to the right,Build from the wooden platform to the stone pillar and Bah through it. Build x2 from on top of the rounded bit at the base of the pillar to reach he exitplatform. Bash left under the pillar from the right hand pit. Build right from the left edge of the left pit, and again from the left edge of he platform on which the pillar stands. Bash right from ontop of the other runded part. Stop this basher once it isthroughthe pillar by making it into a Builder. ``Mr Lemmy Lives Next Door'' Loss of Lemmings: Zero After the firstLemmingreflects, make it a Climber. When it reflects in the top left corner, Build right from the little ledge toward the stone blocks. Let itreflectagain and clamber over to the right hand half of the screen, then make it Build to reflect itoff the wooden ceiling. Make it Mine left, from between thetwo marks just before the step. After it climbs up the left side of the screen and reflects off its first ramp, make it Build to the right, a few pixels to the right of where it falls amongst the horde. This ensures reliable clicking. The single ramp should not reach far enough to let main horde escape. When it climbs upe pit, make it Build right from just under the join between the two largest blocks,o join up with the tunnel mined earlier. The timing can be taken from the marks on the stone below and will require practice. If it stops building and reflects, you willneed toredo the level.Build from atop the ramp in the pit to release themain horde. Remember touse the Digger to make a hole in the wooden platform above the exit. Ifyou do not do so, the climber will escape to the left and drown. ``LEMTRIS'' Loss of Lemmings: Zero The general idea here is to set off a few climbers at 10-15 second intervals, and to use them in turn to prepare ways through the various obstacles. The description below refers to the stone Tetris pieces which form the obstacles as ``piece 1'' to ``piece 7'', from RIGHT to LEFT respectively. Make the first Lemming a Climber after it reflects. When it starts climbing piece 2, set off another Climber. After the first climberreflects off piece 3, make it Mne to the right from tight into the corner of piece 2. Make the next climber Build left from the middle of the same block ofpiece 2, up towards piece 3. Start another Climber about now. Build left against the right edge ofpiece 5, causing the builder to reflect. Use this Lemming to Min right from the very left edge of piece 4. If it starts too far to the right, the non-climbers won't makeit up the step formed at the other side. Use the next Lemming to Build left from thesame point. Usethe last Builderat the left endof piece 5. Mine piece 6, Bash piece 7,and finally Bash piece 1, using oneof the climbersto ensure accurate clicking. ``Tension Sheet, Good Idea'' Loss of Lemmings: One nd a Floater. Build over the small gap above the lake. Mine the tiny piece after the steel and just before the gap left of the exit - this gets the Lemming low enough to buildand reflect. Build x2 at the last possible second, allowing a little delay betweenthe builders to stagger the ramp. Mine just left of the steel after reflection, and then Bash along under the lake. Start a Digger among the horde, just left of left end of the bured steel, when the basher is about halfway under the lake. This will allow time for left-going members of the horde to reflect in the basher's tunnel. The basher will die, but all others should make it. ``The Magnificent Severn'' Loss of Lemmings: One Make the third Lemming a Blocker, isolating twoLemmings on theright and containing the horde on theleft. Bash the first four pillars, and Min just before reflecting off the last one. Make the first of the two a Climber, let it climb the steel and go down the ramp, then Bash right justbefore reflecting. When it drop at the right end of the screen, Dig immediately, so that it doesn'tt have a chance to climb the high wall,and so it leaves a ledge on theright. Let it climb and relfect, then Build just before the exit in order to pass over it. When it gets two-thirds of the way to the left on the exit level, quickly go and Explode the blocker, releasing the horde. Make the advance Lemming Build at the left end f the exit platform, and then makthe other one walking in the pit above it Dig at the right end ofthe upper level, while going right, so it lands on the ramp whichthe builder will have just completed. ``The Starry Threshold'' Loss ofLemmings: Zero Let the Lemmings relfect, then make the 2nd Lemming a Blocker, when it is just above the middle of thethree wedge shaped pieces under the platform. Make the free Lemminga Digger just right of the left wedge, so that it will break out and land on the right side of the wedge and reflect and walk right beforedropping, and so that an overlap ensures that subsequentLemmings falling down its shaftwill also walk up the wedge and reflect. Build right fom the steel just before the big drop to the small lake. Make this Lemming a Floater. Hopefully, it will land on the steel right of the small lake. Just before it reflects off the sandstone, make it Build. It will reflect. Make it Build x3 left from just under the right hand edge of the hanging steel. It will reflect again. Bash the sandstone. Among the main horde, make a Lemming Mine going left, then convert it to a Basher after ithas mined down about 6 or 8 pixels, so that it tunnelsunder the blocker and releases it. Minethe bottom of the first ramp built, abovethe high drop. ``So close but so far away'' Loss ofLemmings: Four Let the Lemmings reflect, make he first one a Climber, then make it an Exploder, timed from three quarters of the way to the left. Make the fifth Lemming a Blocker just left of the hach, isolating the exploder plus a further three Lemmings on the left. Make one of the three aClimber, and once it gets out, Build across the small pit, then convert to a Basher just a it places the last plank before reflectng (this is a worthwhile skill, especillay useful in ``Oh, No! More Lemmings'', but you will probably ave enough time to let it reflectand come back if you're not confident). Let the basher finish and drop, Build x3 from under the hanging block of steel, going back briefly tothe right end of the screen between clicks of the builderto make one of the two remaining isolated Lemmings a Climber. Turn the builder into a Blocker after it places the last (i.e. 36th) plank. Whenthe next Lemming arrives, make it Build just before itreachesthe blocker. Itwill reflect and continue building. Makeit Build again a further two times. The ramp shuld be hgh enough for non-climbers to make it up the step onto the steel (the maximum step is 5 pixels, but you knew that, right?). Bash and Mine the two obstaclesrespectively. Dig just after the endof the steel, as close to the steel as possible. The margin of error for this is at most 2-3 pixels. Make the last isolated Lemming a Climber. Make the digger Explode, timing it from halfway down the last block of steel before the gap to the exit. It shoud blow through to the left, but not the right. Explode the blocker which is retaining the horde - the explosion should break them out of the chamber. To give it the personal touch, Explode the blocker on the ramp once the level is complete (or youcould just hit the nuke, or wait). ``The Secret OfLEMH'' Loss of Lemmings: One Make th first Lemming a Blocker as soon as it lands, such thatthe others land between itsarms an go right. Just as a Leming reflects, make it Dig - despite the steel, it will take a little nick out of andstone, and so effectively break right a little way. A dozen or so such diggers should e enough to get past the steel. Now click a normal Digger going right, i.e. before it reflects. Let it cut about halfway down the andstone, then convert to a Basher to break out to the right. Build right just before the little step. Bash through the wood. Dig at the riht end just before reflecting off the steel, and convert to a Miner aftera few pixels. Destroy the blocker by either means, or wait. ``Flying The Mad Pursuit'' Loss of Lemmings: Zero Make a Climber going left, waita few seconds, then make one going right. Mkae theleft one Build from thesandstone ledgeto get over the exit. Make the right one Bash the sadstone block with the indentation. Let the left one drop, then Mine from the left side of the exit - it should end up in the bottom left chamber; if necessary, make it Bash to stop it. Let it reflect, then Mine right, and Bash assoon ait is low to clear the steel. Use the other climber to Bash x5 the strips of wood. When it has started the last one, Dig the sandstone to release the horde. ``What's it lik up there?'' Loss ofLemmings: Zero The first few stages must be done quickly in succession, in theorder given: make the2nd Lemming Build as itlands; make the1st one Build from the extreme end of the platform; make the 3rd one Build from the join between the 3rd and 4th steel blocks. Make the 4th Lemming a Blocker as high up the rightmost ramp as possible. Let the 1st Lemmingfinish building and reflect, then Buildleft frm the 1st join in the steel, counting from the right.This ramp should meet the previous one and seal off the chasm. To get through the pillar, make the Lemming Dig just as it is about to reflect - 4to 6 repetitions will suffice. Mine the sandstone on the right just before reflection, then stop the miner t the last second by making it Build. As soon as it reflects, make it a Digger. Build x2, placing the first tile between the marks on thepedestal - it should make a ramp up to the steel without reflecting off it. Build again from the left of the steel to get over the lake, and make the builder a Climber. Build over the lake on the exit level, allowing the builder to reflct. Cause it toreflectback bymaking it Dig just before it starts to climb back over thewall. Bash through to the exit. Using the first Lemming of a group to ensure accurate clicking, Mine the ramp, releasing the horde to the exit,and theblockerto the right. Make the ex-blocker Build just before the pillar to cause it to reflect, and make it a Floater for safety. Medieval Tribe The Medieval exit is a small castle. ``LEMMING OF NOTTINGHAM'' Loss ofLemming: Zero Scoop to the right to gt out of the initial chamber, and again to get out to ground level. Use a Sand Pourer x2 to fill in the small pit. Give one Lmming Icarus Wings and use the Fan to blow it upwards and to the right, over the protruding ledge. After it reflect, make it Scoop left just where the ledge starts, allowing the ors up and to the right. Use another Scooper to the right to break into the exit chamber. ``SIR! I KID YENOT'' Loss ofLemmings: Zero Make a Twister amongst the rubble and Fan it downwards and to the right. Use a Club Basher to get through each of the thin pillars. Fill the small pit. Get over the block of steelby building a ramp with Sand Pourers. Stomp the platform.Club Bash the rubble tothe right to reach the exit. ``ALL IN A KNIGHTS WORK!!'' Loss of Lemmings: One Jump one Lemming over the smallpit. The catapult will land it in the toptray. Let it reflect, then Stomp in themiddle of the tray. Explodeit, starting the timer just before the right hand edge of the small ledge - this willblow through the bulkhead. Jumpanother Lemming over tothe catapult. Jump it over the hole in the tray, then let it reflect andfall down the hole. After it passes through the hole inthe bulkhead, Rope backto the bulkheadto block it off. Platform acrossthe water. Stomp to release themain horde. ``WATCH THAT LAST STEP!'' Loss ofLemmings: Zero Make a Stacker on each of the small platforms, and on the grassy part. This should leave a single Lemming goingright. Use a Glue Pourer to bridge the gap to the water section. Surf it across the water. As it approaches thepit just left of the exit, use a Sand Pourer to eliminate the step. Makeit a Stacker just before the left edge of the pit, and once it has built 5 or 6 steps, change to a Sand Pourer while facing left. Bridge the water with a Glue Pourer. Use a Club Basher to releashorde. ``KING ARTHURS LEMMINGS'' Loss ofLemmings: Zero Bomb once, then Club Bash to the rightfrom the bottomof the crater. Stop the horde with an Attractor. When the clubbasher stops, Build x2 across the hole. Bomb the extreme right edgeof the platformso the drop is reduced. Release the attractor by making itJump. ``Let's Play Twister'' Loss of Lemmings: Zero Jump one Lemming to the stone island at the right and make it a Runner. Let it reflect off the tree, then Jump onto theslope under the hatch. Make it a Twister. Fanthe twister left and down, so it lands in the leftchamberand walks left.Make ita Slider. After slidingdown, Jump right onto the platform and Platformacross the lake. Use another Twister to get into the chamber abovethe exit, being sure to enter to the right of thegap in its floor. Jump over the gap(remember, youradvanceLemmingis a slider). Start a Twisterin the horde, and work it all the way right anddown by the portcullis.Twist again to break out to the brown ramps. ``UNDERGROUND'' Loss ofLemmings: Zero Fence the firsttower. While the fenceris working, start an Attractor. Platform to the trees. When the Lemming reflects, Jump onto the remains of the fence to reflect off the tower and back to the right. Fence the trees, andPlatform to the tower. Fence the last tower before the exit. Free the attractor by making it Jump. ``What shall we do now?'' Loss ofLemmings: Zero Make the first Lemming Stomp atthe right hand side, and make the second an Attractor. Stomp again by thecastle,allowing the Lemmingto relfect twice first,and while goingright. Give it a Balloon and usethe Fanto guide it allthe wayup to the top. Let it reflect,and Platform the gap. Bomb x5 from the top of the slope, making each bomb 3/4of the way to the left in the crater left bythe previous one, so asto break through down and left.Use this Lemming toPlatform the stomped hole, or if it stops and dances, use one of the dancers (but NOT the attractor!). Release the attractor by making it a Platformer. ``LEMMING IN DISTRESS !!'' Loss ofLemmings: Zero Make the first Lemming a Runner, and immediately make the second an Attractor. Let the runner drop onto thesteel, then Jump onto the island,and immediatelyJump again to reach thealcove at right. Let it reflect, and Balloon back up to the island. Click an Archer, aiming the arrow at the corner of the hatch lede. Click anotherArcher; this time aim afew pixels higher. The second arrow should tag on to the first, making the lake safe. Lete Lemming drop, and Rope up to the bottom left corner of the island, sealing off the route to the right. Build at the left end of the small pile of stones on the exit lvel - it conceals a dragon, whose trigger is a few pixels leftof the pile. ``JUST JOUSTINGAROUND'' Loss of Lemmings: Zero Click aGlue Pourer - the glue will runto disable the dragon's trigger. Wait for the last Lemming, andmake itRope upto the ledge on the right. Make it a Floater. Position the catapult with 2 links of chain showing on the right. Let the Lemming be launched, reflectand Glu left from beneth the horde, sealing off the lake. Bomb at the left hand end of the horde. If necessary, Balloon the last Lemming past the catapult. Egyptian Tribe The Egyptian exit is pyramid-like with a bit ofblue showing. ``Two's Company....'' Bash the wall betweene top hatch chambers to join them. Dig from within this tunnel. Use a Flame Throwerand a Bazooker to penetrate the brickwork bulkheads. ``Glued to the Goal!'' Loss ofLemmings: Zero Use a Glue Pourer at the top tobridge the gap.Use a Flame Thrower x3 to get to exit.At the bottom, Flame Throw the pillar. Start a Platformer overthe gap, then make the next Lemming a Glue Pourer to seal it. Use a Glue Pouer x2 to bridge the gapover the sphinx. Let a Lemmingreflectat the top right, then Platformtowardsthe purple and blue stuff.Break into exitchamberwith another Flame Thrower. ``LABYRINTH OF FUN'' Loss of Lemmings: Zero Wait until the first Lemming isabout to drop off the first ledge, then start an Attractornear the hatch.When itreflects off the paintedpillar,Fence left intothe chamber with the small table. Let it reflect twice and fall into the pit just left of thesphinx.Stomp when facing left, and Scoop left down to the exit chamber. Release the attractor by any convenientmeans. ``Spiralling DNA'' Loss ofLemmings: Zero ``First'', ``second'', etc. refer to the order the Lemmings originally emerge from thehatch. Make the secondLemminginto a Twister just before it is about to reflect. When the firstLemmingarrivesleft ofthe hatch, makeit into a Stacker.Delay the thirdLemmingby making it into a Platformer. Use Super Lemming to fly the stacker back into the horde. Carefully burrow the twister upwards and towards the exit with the Fan. ``Echo of Light'' Loss of Lemmings: Zero Bash the tree, then make a Climber, andwhilst it is climbing make it a Slider. Aftersliding, Bash to the right, andmake ita Runner. Jump the gap, Bash the last bulkhead, and Jump to reachthe exit. Stomp just left of the hatch to release the horde, and Glue right as soon as they land. Bash the two bulkheads, and immediately Glue again. ``RUPER'Z QUESTLING'' Loss of Lemmings: Zero This level is tedious, but simple. Let them reflect, then start a Hopper just before the 4small pits. The hopper willstop and drop in the third one,while the horde assembles in the first.Wrokingwith the advance Lemming, Fill while standing on the left sideof the pit facing right. Fill the same way again to get out ofthe next pit. Platform over thelake. Platform the pit containing thetrap. Bash the painted column, the table stand, and th tree. Platformover ths lake. Rope from about halfan inch right of the sphinx to a point halfway up its head. Platform left from the top of the sphinx. Fill x13 to fill up the tall thin pit at the extrem left. Let the Lemming reflect, then Platform right from the top of the sphinx. Fill x6 in the blue painted tray. Platform x2 over the collection of blocks,and Platform the gap above the vase. Bash the bulkhead. Platform the gap above the scales. Fillthe small pit. Fill the pitcontaining the horde, and the pit to its left as well. ``The Egypt Cottage!'' Loss of Lemmings: Zero Jet Pack one going right, and Fan it out so it falls on the ramp to the right of the pit. When it falls stunned, let it reflect, then giv it a Balloon and Fan itto the left. Dig just right of the division between the two stone blocks, so as to break into the sphinx chamber but keep digging all the way down tho the steeland make a route out. Fly a Super Lemming rom the horde all the way round the ramp on the right, and stub it intounderside of this ramp,above the small island block which covers the big drop. It should walk left and into the digger's shaft. Give it a Parachut, and Fan it left onto the shinx. Laser Blast to release the horde. ``HEROE'Z QUEST....'' Loss ofLemmings: Zero Jump one Lemming over the blockto the left. Stomp intothe chamberbelow, and Stomp again through the block with te eye. Let the Lemming drop, etc.,and it will endup in asmall pit, the first of three. To get out of these pits, you need to jump the opposite way, so Jump left. Jump right to get out of each of the next two. Platform over the pit containing the trap. Stomp when the Lemming ends up at the bottom and can't fall ay further. Fence the sandstone bulkhead, and Fence each of the painted columns. Let the Lemming reflect off the sphinx, then give it a Balloand Fan it gently right then left, to land on the obvious platform. It should walk left. Let it reflect, then immediately Jump to get onto ramp going up to the right. Let it reflect and Jum left. Let it walk all the way to the left and relfect, then immediately Pole Vault from the right hand bolt of the leftmost block of steel, to land the Lemming stunned inthe obvious place -this does take some practice, which is why you get five vaulters! Let it reflect at thetop of the ramp, then Jump ontothe next one. Do this a further twotimes. Platformthe gapjust left of the exit, then make the platformer aScooperas ssonas the gap is sealed over.Stomp from the horde into this chamber to complete the levl. ``Wave Pathway'' Loss of Lemmings: Zero Make the first Lemming a Stacker as soon as it lands, so that subsequent onesland on the stack itsel and walk right unhindered. After it builds about six blocks, make it Jump while facing right. Stomp between the two steel blocks, andchange to a Basher jus before breaking through to the water. Somp above the eye, and then Bash just above the eye block. Platform x2 over the lake, and Stomp just before the Lemming relfects off the step. Again, convert to a Basher at the last moment, then Stomp, Bash, and Stomp again, avoiding the buried steel. Make it start to Platform over the gap on the right, then go to the main hordeand release them with a Basher going right. Go back to the advance Lemming, Stomp at the left end ofthe chamber just before reflecting, and then convert to a Basher to reach the exit. ``Pyramid of Despair!'' Let the Lemmings reflect, then start a Hopper from halfway downthe little slope just before the blocks. It will hop acrossto become the advance Lemming, while the horde collects in the pit below. Let it reflect at the bottom of the steps, then immediately Glue x2 to fill in the small pits further along (i is impossible to pour glue, hop, jump etc. in the tunnel due to restricted headroom). Let it fall into the trap pit, and use a Sand Pourer to cover the trigger. While going right, make it a Rock Climber, and let it clamber out of the pit and up the nextwall as well. At the top of this wall, make it Shimmy just as it reaches thep and before itdrops to go left. Let it climb up to the little ledge, and Sand Pour to build up towards the overhang. The Lemming will reflect and dropback in the trap pit - let it come round, and Shimmy again,get back up to the same point and Sand Pour again.This time it should be able to clamberout, but if it reflects, bring it back around. Let it walk left along the tunnel under thepit containing the horde, and reflect. Immediately Glue x3 to the right, then let it walk under the pit and Mortar to release the horde. Outdoor Tribe The Outdoor exit is a small gren tent. ``Pa-tent-ly Obvious'' Loss of Lemmings: Zero Use a Twister to burrow up the pile of leaves t the right handexit. ``Swing/Roundabout Theoy'' Loss of Lemmings: Zero Start aStackertwo thirds of the way to the left between the posts.After it builds4 blocks, make it into a Filler, and then make two more, ensuringthat two fills are to the left of the stack and oneto the right. ``GlideLike The Wind'' Loss ofLemmings: Zero Start aHang Glider from the hump in the vine bridge above the wasp. Fan it to land n the tree just left of the first frog. Use a Flame Thrower immediately on landing todisablethe frog's trigger. Tunnel under the next frog fromthe step below with Flame Thrower x3. Platform the gap. Delay any oncoming Lemming by (carefully) making it a Flame Thrower if necessary. ``Deliverance ?'' Loss of Lemmings: Zero Make the first Lemming a Kayaker, and the second into an Attractor to stopthe horde. Use an Archer to fire an arrow back into theleft edge ofthe lake, as low down as possible. Freeone of the dancers by making it Jump, and make it Glue x2 to bridge over the water. Release the attractor by making it a Roper - ensurethe rope does NOT reach. ``Friday's Walk'' Loss of Lemmings: Zero Make the first Lemming Rope up to the right from the first hump. This should block the horde off, letting onefree. Rope up alternately to left and right to get it up to the exitlevel -if it is walking right, fire a Rope vertically to block and reflect it. Rope across the small gap, then release thehorde. ``The Magic of Mushrooms'' LossLemmings: Zero Consider the (approximate) layout of mushrooms given on the next page... you might want to ink the routeon yourprintout. Jump a lemming out and Rope down to enable it to walk to the right freely. Rope to M1, letit dropto M3 and M5, Rope to M6, Rope to M7 and Stomp the mushroom cap left of the stem.Let it drop to M9 and M11, and Rope from the end of the grass to M10. Platform out to the exit. Use aRoper to make away outfor thehorde. ``Natural Selection'' Loss of Lemmings: Zero The Lemmings will be split intothree groups. Make the first 22 Shimmy,make the next 22 Float,and Jump the remaining Lemmings across the gap.Use Bazookers to get the floater group into the bottom left exit. Use Bombers to get the jumpergroup into the middle exit. Use Bombers and Bazookers to get the shimmiers to the right exit. ``The Laws of Tradition'' Loss ofLemmings: Zero Platform, then start anAttractor. Platform to the stones. Platform over the pit under the steel. Platform again just afterit reflects. Fence far enough to clear the steel upright, then Stompalmost to the bottom, then Fence again. Platform across. Release the main horde at this point by making the attractor into a Platformer. Fence with the lead Lemming up towards the exit. If thefencer fails to stop, make it into a Platformer to fill in thespace under the exit. ``22934'' Loss ofLemmings: Zero Make the first Lemming a Runner. It should bound off the last hump in the vine and land on the leaf on the right. Make it an Archer, firing the arrow down and left to create a break for the others falling. Let it drop and reflect, then Build from the right edge of the third hump in this lower section ofvine, sealing off the pit. Let it reflect, and Build x3 to the left from the same hump. Meanwhile, Build x5 to the right from the eft hump with one of the incoming Lemmings. The two ramps should meet, and the latter oneshould reach verical piece of vine to the right of and a little below the exit. Rope from the top of this ramp to the top corner of the steel by the exit. Break through with a Club Basher facing right. ``Garden of Stone'' Loss of Lemmings: Zero Stomp just right of thehatch. When thefirst one dropsbetweenthe platform and flower on the right, make it a Runner. Fence right through the flower directly below this, starting the fencer a few pixels back so it just cuts the stem and stops. Platform from the edge. Jump off the platform - the remaining Lemmings should fall on the right edge of the lake. When the runner reflects, Platform the gap. Beach Tribe The Beach exit is a sandcastle with a red pennant. ``Quad Quirks on the Quay!'' Loss ofLemmings: Zero From the top left hatch, Flame Throw the slopedpart. From the next hatch down, let a Lemming reflect and then Flame Throw the umbrella pole. From the bottom left hatch, Flame Throw the palm tree. From the bottom right hatch, Flame Throw the Lemming beer can. ``The Barley Mow....'' Loss ofLemmings: Zero Start a Jet Pack, and Fan it upwards and left of the red and white umbrella. Let it walk along thegrass, then Bash just at the bottom of the slope. Rope from near the bottom of the ext slope to the ledge on which the beach ball stands. Let it reflect, then Bashthe umbrella pole next to the exit.Bash the left umbrella pole to release the horde. ``Cannonball'' Loss of Lemmings: Zero Jump a Lemming out of the pit, and Kayak acrosslake. Dive fromthe high platform, and Kayak again.When itreflects at thetop right, Jump onto the ramp. Hang Glide from thetop, and use the Fan towaft gently into steel tunnel. Bomb at the end of the tunnel, and Laser Blast to release the mainhorde. Jump thefirst Lemming to reach the end of the tunnel to give it a head start. When it reflects, make itinto a Glue Pourer ``Costal Suction Function'' Loss ofLemmings: Zero Make 12of the first Lemmings into Runners. Fanthe chain up tofull speed. Jump a Lemming from halfway downthe slope over the balland then onto the chain. Ifit is not near the bottom of the chain, restartthe level. Speed the chain up again, and release the Lemming on the right. Jump overthe trigger forthe zapper, andKayak across the water. Laser Blast next to the exitto release the horde. ``Sand Stone'' Loss of Lemmings: Zero Click an Archerhalfwayalong the pit, firing the arrowto a couple of pixels belowthe topof the obstacleon the right. Build right with the next Lemming as soon as it lands. The completed ramp should not touch the arrow. Jump one onto the arrow, let it walk all the way to the right and reflect, then Stomp the left edge of the sandstone cliff across the gap from theexit. Stop the stomper after 5 or 6 ``stomps''by making it Build, andJump off when the ramp is complete. Make it an Archer on the small mound just above the right edge of the stel, aiming 3/4 or more of the way up the slope. Let it reflect, then Glue right from the arrow. After gluing, it should walk uptowards the exit level - Fence the sandstone, and Glue as soon as the fencer finishes. Let it reflect and comeback, then Jump to the exit. Jump another one fromthe horde off te ramp, let it come round and reflect, and Gluefrom the top ofthe ramp to the exit. Starta Builder from the top of the ramp to release the horde. ``BeachLems'' Loss of Lemmings: Zero Jump just before the coconut, ad immediately Fnce the tree. Platform the lake at the last second, so that one platfrmer suffices. Scoopbeforehe beach hut, and Scoop again after dropping through. Let it reflect off the coconut, Platform under the zapper to defeat its trigger, and Rope up to the next island. Rope tothe right from the umbrella to just above the steel. Fence just before reflecting. Release the horde with a Club Basher. ``SAND IN YER SARNIES'' Loss ofLemmings: Zero Make the first Lemming Platformthe tiny gap between bucket and spade at the last second, so that none escapes.Jump one of the emerging Lemmings off the spadehandle,and letit dropto the level below the beachhuts. Make it aRunner and a Swimmer. Bash the palm tree, and Jump from the bucket handle. Letit reflect off the steel, then Jump again.Jump over the clam. Mine the beach huts, convreting to a Basher on reaching ground level. Platform the gap and Bash the bucket. Bash the beercan the way back. ``BeachMania'' Loss ofLemmings: Zero Give one a Magic Carpet, and make the next an Attractor. After the carpet lands and the Lemming reflects, makeit an Archer from the left end ofthe platform, firing the arrow into thebottom corner of the hatch ledge. Letit drop, then Build left from the bottom of the slope on the first small island - this willreflectthis Lemming and catch later ones. Bomb while standing on the right hand coconut to get through the tree, and Build x2 from wher the tree base was, to get up to the umbrella. Use an Archer x2 from the top of the umbrella, firing the first arrow into the edge of the island on the left and the second into the first, and then Build out over them. Jump onto the exit island, and make an Archer fire an arrow back into the previous one. Jump to release the attractor. ``Sand Blaster'' Loss ofLemmings: Zero Make the 4th Lemming anAttractor, which shouldleave one loose Lemming. Platform the lake at the last moment. Let the Lemming reflect, an Bazooka left while standing in the notch between the slope and the platform - this should crate a reflection point with the steel block. Mortaragainst the edge of the 3-4 pixel step at bottom of the castle. Mortar again several times, placing each mortar about halfway up the slope in the hole lft by the previous one. Inbetween, use a Bazooka or two as well. The last mortar should break through to the levl below, to the right of the lake. Platform under the clamto defeat the trigger, and Bazooka x2 to get through the big clam. Jump to release the attractor. ``Surf Lem !'' Loss of Lemmings: Zero Click aFiller just before the right hand bucket, to gain an extra pixel in heightfor theScooper, which should break a little gap at the bottom right cornerof the bucket. Start a Super Lemming halfway down the scooped tunnel, and fly it out over the beercan and into the spade handle. Let it drop, go all the way left and reflect, com back and drop onto the first small grassy island. In the middle of this island, use an Archer to fire an arrow vertically downwards. This will reflect future Lemmings. Balloon the Lemming back to the left of thearrow. Build left to join the tiny gap betweethe sloped island and the top left one - if theLemming reflects, make it a Runner and Jump it up to the arrow. Fill x2 in the scooped hole to release the horde, and Scoop again at the beercan. Sports Tribe The Sports exit is a golf hole flag. ``Ceci 'est pas une pipe.'' Loss of Lemmings: Three After the first steam pipe blows the Lemmings and they start toland stunned, break through to the rght by making the firstLemminginto a Flame Thrower. After it then lands in the pit to the right, make it a Bomber.Let them be blown all the way round and back into the middle where they congregate, then use the remaining Flame Throwers tofree them to the left. ``School SportsDay'' Loss of Lemmings: Zero Make the first Lemming a Twister. Carefully burrow until it is under the steel wall.Use a Rope up to the steel wallto separate thehorde off. Use the Fan to nudge the twister out underthe rugby ball (football to Americans!). Rope up to the exit ledge. Toreleasethe horde, Scoop the first rope. ``The Octathalon!'' Loss ofLemmings: Zero Start an Attracor. Jump one Lemming out. Once it dropsand reflects at theleft hand side of the screen, make it Platform. Platform x2 from a third of theway down the slope, on a level with the pool table.Platform to cover the left handarm of the ``Y'' shaped hole, using a Jumper to stop theplatformer. Jump the attractor to release the horde. ``RRRACKETEERZ!'' Loss of Lemmings: Zero Jump the first Lemming over thegap in the top rope, over the red pole and out to theleft. When it starts downhill towards the collection of blocks, make it Shimmy topass over them.When it lands on the green and white chequered block above the lake, Rope upwardsand right, to halfway up the edge of the green platform. Rope down and left fromthe left end ofthe chequered block, onto the steel. JumpanotherLemmingout of the horde, and Fence through the handle of the tennis racque. Jump each of the restof the horde out onto the racquet. ``Blow Back....'' Loss ofLemmings: Zero Fill in the pit, then Stomp at its leftedge, stopping the stomperimmediately (oras quickly as the mousehandling software will allow!)by making it Jump. Repeat this Stomper and Jumper tricka furtherthree times. ``Double Troubl'' Loss of Lemmings: One Rope from the left end of the ledge to just below the top left corner of the chamber. Exactly one Lemming should escape, and the horde should not climb up abovethe hatch. Withthe loose Lemming, fly a SuperLemmingup the right hand side of the screen and to the left, landing it on thehexagonal island. Platform fromthe point, and Jump off when the platform is complete. Make it an Exploder, timed from the first gap in thesteel (countingfrom the right). This should free the horde. Send a Rock Climber over, and Platform from the bottom of the slope to the exit, stopping the platformer after 5 or 6 planks by making it a Fencer. Using thefirst Lemming of a group, Fence the obstacle. ``Run the Risk'' Loss of Lemmings: Zero Build from just before the third join in the steel, making a ramp to get the Lemmings into the small pit at the right. Get one out onto the bent pipe above by either using a Super Lemming or by clicking a Pole Vaulter at the bottom of the initial slope. Let it drop down to the rigt and reflect, then Platform x2 to the left, under the pit where the hordeis collecting. Stop the platformer with an Archer, leaving a small gap so it drops on the outcrop below and reflects. Let it drop, and Build x2 from the bottom of the small slope. The ramp should tie up nicely with the narrow tunnel on the right. Stomp just beore reflecting off the steel on the right, and then Fence right t break into the next chamber. Let it wak up, and Build right from the top of the slope, let itreflect and Build left to get up to the next slope. Make it a Stacker near the top of the slope -when itfinishes stacking, it will dropand come back round. This time, it will reflect off the stack; Platform right to reach the cliff abovethe exit. Stompthe edge of thecliff so as to cut a step into it, stopping the stomper halfway down with an Archer. Stomp among thehorde to release them. ``The Sun Sign Selection'' Loss of Lemmings: One In quick succession, Jump one over the block, Jump again onto the steel, thenJump again out to the right, clicking the last one while over the left bolt of the steel. It should catch the left edge of therampoline and drop. Jump to doge the tennis ball and get it to reflect and go left. Make it a Kayaker. Let it reflect to fa , and Balloon up to the top of the chamber, landing on the vaguely ``Q'' shaped island. Platform the gap from the tail ofhe Q to the steel - let this Lemming walk off and die. Jum another over the block,give it Magno Boots, and Laser Blast under the right hand end of the horde. ``The Nervous Network!'' Loss ofLemmings: Zero Jump one out, and Glue,thus covering the gaps.Rope from the second glue bridge to the concavity in the pipework, just left of and below the greenand white block. Let itwalk upthe rope and reflect, making it Bomb while standing on the rope hook, just as it has turned to go left - this will ensure it continues to go left when it lands stunned, which isn't important for this bomb but is for subsequent ones. Let it come back and walk up the remnant of the rope, then Rope from the top of it tothe top left corner of the block. Scoop right while actually standing on the block, then immediately convertthe scooper to a Roper, and rope up to the concave elbow of the next pipe. Bomb the pipe, again ensuring the Lemming is facing left. When it comes back, Rope horizontally to the grenn stuff,so the rope is placed not far above the steel, andso the top of the hook is a few pixelsremovedfrom the rope. Bomb once more. When it returns, Rope afinal time to complete the pathto the exit. Use a Glue Pourer to create astep, releasingthe horde. ``Take up Archery'' Loss of Lemmings: Zero This level is very frenetic. You will need fingers poised aboveF1-F5 throughout. Where it says ``Archer x2''in the solution, click the first archer and fire the arrow, then click and fire another one so that th second arrow lands in the tail of the first one. Make the first Lemming a Runner as it appears. Jump from the middle of the last block, to land stunnd on the outcrop on the right. Make it an Archer, firing the arrow down and left into the block below te chequered one. Make it an Archer again immediately, aiming for the tail of the previous arrow. Let it reflect, then Jump onto the arrows. At the bottom of the scren, Jump from the block before the chequered one, and Archer x2 back to create a ramp for the oncoming Lemmings. A good aiming point is the bottom left square of the chequeredpattern. At thenext gap, Jump and Archer x2 again. Rope from the second red square of thebig chequered block, to a point a few pixels from the left edge of the column high above with the sloped underside, atan angle of about 70 degrees. This should trap the runner which willbound between the rope and theledge. When thenext Lemming arrives, make it an Archer when itis level with the top of the ledge, andaim horizontally left to a point deep in the body of the ledg island. This should seal off the gap between rope and ledge. When the runner gets up to the level part, make it an Archer, firing the arrow horizontally left into the wall. Make it an Archer again halfway along, firing the arrow vertically downto create a reflection point. Jump it onto the horizontal arrow to reflect it,and Jum it back over the vertical one and into the horde. Rope up from th arrow to the top corner of the exit ledge. Shadow Tribe The Shadow exit is a picture of the ``Tardis'' time machine from the TV programme ``Doctor Who''. ``Land of OZ!'' Loss ofLemmings: Zero Flame Throw thetriggers of theLemming traps. Flame Throw through the letters ``OZY''. Jump one out of the pit, and Fill the traps to defeat triggers. Fll the small pit on the left. Fill the first pit to release the horde. ``NITRAM THE HUGE!'' Loss ofLemmings: Zero The keyto thislevel is getting down the ``ladder'' ofchambers beneath the hatch. Use a Twister for the first twosteps by driving it partially into the pillar on the right, straight down,back left into the chamber and down through the floor.Use a Digger, aBomber and a Stomper for the other three. Tunnelunder the lake with a Basher.Fence through the houseroof. ``Twin Bleeps'' Loss ofLemmings: Zero The keyto thislevel is that while thelevel is symmetrical, the solution is not. Starting with the left hatch, Flame Throw to the right,then Flame Throw left from the tiny pit (this needs a bit ofluck), let the Lemmingdrop, and FlameThrow to the right through the pillar on the exit level. Forthe other group, Rope up to theblock on the left, Flame Throw through, and let the Lemmng fall. Rope up again, and then Rope again to reach the steel. Fill the small pit. ``The Pancake Factory.'' Loss ofLemmings: Zero Give a Lemming a Jet Pack and Fan it round to the left of the trap chamber. Bash into the chamber,and Glue the triggers. Bash left throughthe pock-markedstone. Glue thethree gaps, pouring thefirst as lateas possible, and Glue the trap trigger.Bash left from the main horde to release them. ``Swingadingding'' Loss of Lemmings: Zero There is an easier way to do this, but it's less dramatic... Fan thechain to full speed. Make a Lemming a Rock Climber, then immediately Fanthe chain again. The Lemming will pick it up asit falls. Release it on the right.Bash out towards the lake, Platform over it, and Laser Blast to release thehorde. ``The School Gate.'' Loss ofLemmings: Zero Disablethe trap trigger with aFiller.Rope from about1.5 inches left of the gateto the corner of the steel. Flya Super Lemming from thissteel round to the top right house. Fence back to release the main horde.Position the cannon with 3 links of chain showing on the left. After one Lemming has been successfully launched onto the ramp,move the cannon. When it reaches the top, Fill the pit and Rope the gap. Reposition the cannon for the rest of the Lemmings. I will take some time for them all to get out. ``Fritbatter Frolics!'' Loss ofLemmings: Zero Make one Lemming a Climber, then make it a Swimmer as well. Jump from the top of the blocks. Let itswim the small lakes, and reflect. Scoop left, above the left edge of thesteel column. Stop the scooper by making it Jump. Scoop right witha member of the horde. ``Goosen's Inferno!'' Loss of Lemmings: Zero Bazookax2 through the pillar. Platformfrom 3/4 of the way down the slope, sealing off the gap.Meanwhile, makethe next Lemming an Attractor, and make theplatformer a Runner. Fence through the building and Fill the pit. Bashunder the tree.At the bottom right corner, Fill to defeat the triggers. Bashx4 through the bulkheads. Fillthe pit. Release the attractor.Move the left hand cannon fully to the right. Assist the cannons by makingLemmings from the thicker bunches Balloon to theexit. ``SPINNY THANG....'' Loss ofLemmings: Zero Rope verticallyunderneath the bottom steel step, to separate off a single Lemming to the right. Make it a Twister,and Fanit down, cuttinga step,then right and up at a steep angle. Do this carefully and with patience. If you disturb the twister by going up too steeply, let it come back and click it again. Laser Blast x6 to remove a chunk of the platform above, between the bottom of the slop and the right trap trigger. Rope up to the left, so thLemming climbs up the rope and up the triangles. Glue the trigger of the top right trap. Use a Twister to cut the original rope and release the horde. ``Moonswings'' Loss ofLemmings: Zero Make the third Lemming an Attractor as it lands. Jump x3 the first one over the traptriggers, then Build from the right endof the ledge. When the builder finishes, make it aSuper Lemming and fly it leftinto the vertical face,thus reflectingit. Glue the top of the ramp. Let it walk on, and it should drop on the steel at the right end of the lake. Build x2 to reach the ledge onthe right, let it reflect, and Build left. Let it drop, then make it a Planter just as it reaches the edge of the pit. Release the attractor by making it Stomp. Cavelem Tribe The Cavelem exit is a crude stone archway. ``AudexPowder'' Loss ofLemmings: Zero Allow the first two dinosaurs to flick the Lemmings. Just before the tail of the third, Stomp a few pixels, nd thenchange the stomper to a ClubBasher. ``Successive division'' Loss ofLemmings: Zero Stomp the smallpiece of rubblein the centre. Stomp one group throughto the next central chamber. Staying with this group, Scoop right, then left, then left again to the exit. Stomp toreleasethe other group. ``Mortal men doomed to die'' Loss ofLemmings: Zero Jump a Lemming as soon as it lands. It will bound round on the trampolines to the leftof the exit. Platform across tothe exit, and start a Stomper on the leftside ofthe main horde while the platformer is still building (due to time constraints). ``A stompin' good time!'' Loss of Lemmings: Zero Do the left hatch first. Stomp, then Scoop on the extreme rightof the next chamber. Rope from just beforethe exit to theunderside of the right steelblock, and Stomp this rope at the exit door. Releasethe right hatchgroup with two Stompers. ``This Is The Pits!'' Loss of Lemmings: Zero Start a Stacker on the small knoll on the first small pice of lvel ground just down from the hatch. One Leming will get past the stack. Make itStomp in the indentation just above theleft edge of the water. Platformover the water,and Fence left to get to the exit chamber. Fence thestack to release the horde. ``Ain'tNo Time'' Loss of Lemmings: Zero Stomp out. Rope from the dinosaur's body to the ledge on the left. Build x2, from a high up this ledge as possibletowardsthe exit. Fill x2the small pit. Glue to the leftfrom the extreme right of the screen to disable the dinosaur's flick trigger. ``Deadly Exit'' Loss of Lemmings: Zero We will use the upper of the right exits. Notehe proliferation of two-eyed traps. Make the first Lemming Scoop under the left eye, then immediately (i.e. before ittakes it's first step down) stop it by making it Jump. This will disablethe trigger forthe trap. Rope from the top of the riseto the small projectiontwo-thirds of the way up the slope on the next island. Lemmings willcollectbetweenthis hill and the vine to itsright. Jump oneof the incomingLemmings onto the vine, and then Platform from under the left eyof the trap - i positioned correctly, this will disable both traps. Rope from a position on the left but within the pit in which the hore has collectd to a point near the top of the left stem of the vine. ``Wilma!'' Make the first Lemming a Stacker at the right end of the ledge. One will get past -Balloonit backamongstthe horde, popping the balloonon the leaf. When the stacker completes, let itdrop, then make it Stack again where it lands. Jump off the top of this stack facing left, Jump again, hen immediately Stack again. off this stack to the left, and the Lemming should be free. Let it get downisland in the middle of the screen, where it will reflect, then Balloon it up and round to the tail of rock dangling from the hatch ledge. Stack at the bottom of this rock, and Jump off to the right. Fence in the corner under the horde. After the Lemming reflects, it should find its own way down to the tray directly above the exit. Fill x3 in this tray. Stack on the right end of the lf, and nce mor Jump off to the left. Jump one out ofthe horde, and Bomb to break into the fencer's tunnel.Fill toreleasethe horde. ``EVOLUTION OF LEMMINGS'' Loss of Lemmings: Zero Jet Pack one out to the right past the mushroom. Give it a Parachute, and let it dift all the way to the bottom. Platform the gap. Laser Blast x2to cut a hole in the level above, but making sure it is under the overhang of the level above that. Jet Pack up and onto the right of the ledge which was just lasered. Balloon up and left, let reflect s as to be facing right, then Balloon up onto the sigmoid shape on the left end of the lake. Hang Glide from the top of the sigmoid, and Balloon before reflecting, up and round to the right onto the top ledge in this chamber. Bash right, and Platform to seal off the chimney. Let the LEmming relfet, drop down, etc. and then Platform x3 over th lake. Bash the sigmoid, let the Lemmingdrop, etc. Stomp the level above the exit, which was previously lasered,then convert the stomper to a Basher. Bash the mushroom to release the horde. ``Ah'm No Done Yet'' Loss ofLemmings: Zero Make the 4th Lemming an attractor halfway up the knoll. One should walk free. Let it drop and reflect off the mushroom, thn immediately Glue tothe left. Fence through the rubble and into the skeleton's jaw. Shimmy under the jawbone. Platform right from the mini-ledge. Stomp directly above the exit. Release the attractor with a Jumper. Space Tribe The Space exit is a square block with a galactic picture and a revolving light on top. ``HIT THE SPACEBAR'' Loss ofLemmings: Zero Give one Lemming a Jet Pack andFan it down to the ledge under the pit where the rest are ending up. Mortar the underside of the pit to free thm. ``Perpetual motion'' Loss ofLemmings: One Jump the first two Lemmings from the left hand pit to the righthand pit. Jump one of them out tothe right, and give it Magno Boots just before it meets the obstacle. When it is about two thirds of the way round, Jump theother one out and give it MagnoBoots. When thefirst one reaches level ground, Jump it to remove themagno boots andthen make ita Platformer, late enough to cover the gap but early enough to cause it to place all 12 planksbefore reflecting. Thenmake the other an Exploder just beforeit hitsground level. The firstone should drop through the hole it leavesand go left. Platform to the exit, then Fill x2 each of the pits to release the horde. ``THE LEMMINGS HAVE LANDED'' Loss ofLemmings: Zero Make a Runner. Jump it out to the right, and Jump againfrom betweenthe last and second last blocks. When it lands stunned,make it a Rock Climber and aSlider.Let it climb the first pillar, jump it to the second and let it climb the third. Let it slide down theother side of the third, and make Jump between the ledges in that pit. You might want to Fast Forward at tis point. Jump it onto the airlock wall at the bottom right. When it gets under the steel above and right of the exit, make it Shimmy across the gap, andwhen it drops Platform the other one. Be ready to make it a Fencer as soon as it stops. Now Stomp from the righthand end of the horde. Do not b alarmed when the fencerreflects. Fence again in the horde once the stomper hits stel and stops. You may have to do it twice if the first one goes left. ``The Vortex'' Rope left twice, to provide a path out of the little pit and over the steel wall. Morar the thin obacle (from very close range). Club Bash out into thenext chamber, and again into the next. Stomp from jut about where the Lemmings land stunned (to avoid the steel buried a little further left). Stop the stomper by making it into a Club Basher (which will go left), and once a bt of space clears, Club Bash righ as well. Mortar the two minor obstacles, from close up. ``The Stainless Steel Lemm'' Loss of Lemmings: Zero This level looks easy at first,but there is a twist - we will be using bombers to get through some ropes, and itis veryeasy tokill the odd Lemmingby mistake in the process (and not notice - I got ``silver'' on my first two attempts having thought I'd lost none!) Jump the first Lemming to emerge to give it a he