Next: 6. Installation Guide
Up: 5. Conclusion and Future
Previous: 5.3 Session Scheduling
It is also planed to extend the laboratory by a set of image
recognition functions. This will be implemented by students of San
Diego State as part of class assignments and projects. This is a rough
summary of functions that are planned:
Object Separation Through Thresholding: This
function separates objects from the background within an image by
partitioning of the gray scale histogram of the image according to
single or multiple thresholds.
Region Growing by Pixel Aggregation: This function
collects pixels within an image into larger regions that become
candidates for individual objects. It starts from a set of seed pixels
that are automatically generated or selected by the user. The result
is a set of regions of neighboring (connected) pixels that have similar
properties, e.g. the difference between their gray scale values is
smaller than a predefined threshold.
Region Splitting and Growing: This function
identifies regions within an image, by first subdividing the image into
arbitrary disjoint regions and then merging those regions that have
same attributes into larger areas.
Patter Matching by Correlation: The goal of this method
is to identify an object (i.e. sub-image) within another larger image
by using the correlation between these two images.
Pattern Matching within the Frequency Domain using FFT:
This approach is often more efficient than the previous method, i.e.
Pattern Matching by Correlation. This is especially the case for larger
objects (sub-images).
Hough Transform: This method is used to identify figures
(lines, circles...) within an image. This method is tolerant of gaps
in the figures and is relatively unaffected by the noise within the
Next: 6. Installation Guide
Up: 5. Conclusion and Future
Previous: 5.3 Session Scheduling
Norbert Harrer