Next: 2.3 Discussion window
Up: 2. Program Description
Previous: 2.1 Login Procedure
This window contains a list of all participating users
together with their status and host address. The status field indicates
if the particular user is currently logging into the session or not.
This field displays either logged in or offline
depending on the user's status.
Figure 2.2:
The main session window.
The following commands may be selected from the main window's menu system:
Load image: Loads a new image from the user's local file
system. The file name is entered or selected via a file dialog
box. The image file formats GIF, JPG and PNG are supported. The loaded
image will be inserted into the session and displayed in an image
Load Image from URL: This is another way to insert an
image into the session. In this case, the image can be retrieved from
the World Wide Web instead of the users file system. The user is
asked to enter the URL of the image, which is then loaded and displayed
in a new image window. This function supports only downloading of GIF
and JPEG images.
Store Session: This function can be used to archive the
current state of the session. The session, including all its shared
objects, will be stored on the server. The user is asked for a name
under which the session is stored.
Restore Session: An earlier stored session can be
reloaded with this function. The desired session must be selected from
a list box, which displays all sessions stored on the server. Note that
all currently existing session elements will be deleted and replaced by
the new session. This function can only be executed by super users and
the session creator.
Save session local: This is similar to the Store
Session function, except that it stores the session onto the local
file system of the user. The file name under which the session is saved
has to be specified via a file selector dialog. This function is
executable by all users and can be used to save a session even if the
connection to the server has been lost or if the server machine has
crashed. The saved session can be added to a set of archived sessions on
the server by an administrator. This way, the session can be recovered
and continued.
Close Session: This command terminates the running
session. The session will not be carried on the server anymore from
that moment on. Nevertheless, clients which are currently connected to
this session continue to see and use the session, but it is not
possible for users to interact with other session members any longer.
The clients are from now on in offline mode. That means that
users can still work with images as well as load and save images, but
the performed activities are local and are not shared among the users.
The session, as seen by users, is no longer synchronized. Only
super users and the creator of the particular session are allowed to
execute this function.
Exit session: The user can leave the session by selecting
this command. Once the user has left the session, the main window of
all other users will indicate this by displaying offline in
the users status field. The user can however still join the session
again at a later time. All his rights will be restored, e.g. objects
created by him will still belong to him, so the user can continue where
he left off.
Next: 2.3 Discussion window
Up: 2. Program Description
Previous: 2.1 Login Procedure
Norbert Harrer