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List of Figures
1.1 The 2-dimensional CSCW space
1.2 The Course Room of the Hyperwave Training Space
1.3 The cTalk Client
1.4 Two WWWhiteboard Applets
2.1 The login dialog.
2.2 The main session window.
2.3 The group discussion window.
2.4 Screenshot of two image windows.
2.5 The save-image dialog box.
2.6 Examples of possible drawing shapes.
2.7 Interpolated and aproximated curves.
2.8 The drawing property dialog box.
2.9 The annotation icon and the annotation window.
2.10 The scale dialog box.
2.11 An image before and after rotation.
2.12 A clipped image.
2.13 The mask filter and gradient filter dialog box.
2.14 Examples of several mask filter operations.
2.15 Two gradient filtered images.
2.16 The saturation dialog box.
2.17 The histogram window.
2.18 An image before and after histogram equalization.
2.19 The histograms before and after histogram equalization.
2.20 The histogram after histogram specification.
3.1 The inheritance tree of artifacts.
3.2 The inheritance tree of artifacts.
4.1 The three function blocks of an artifact.
4.2 The artifact class.
4.3 A schematic representation of the client and server structure.
4.4 Java Interfaces, which are implemented by the Client and Server class
4.5 Inconsistent artifact states.
4.6 Inconsistant artifact states prevented by locking mechanism.
4.7 The lock class.
4.8 The chain of image consumer and producers.
4.9 Different types if image filter.
4.10 Implemented transformation Filter
4.11 Several implemented mask filters, derived form the MaskFilter class.
4.12 Implemented point processing filter.
4.13 The Histogram class.
4.14 Image serialization
4.15 The GipDrawing class.
4.16 Event sequence, when creating a drawing.
4.17 An summary of all implemented drawing classes.
4.18 The Annotation class.
4.19 The Discussion class.
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Norbert Harrer